The Golden Spike of Libertarian Political Competition

Choosing to elevate others in 2022
Dear Friends,
Many of you have supported my previous campaigns for public office, whether it was Mayor of Phoenix in 2018 or Hillsborough County Attorney in 2020. Rather than run again for County Attorney in 2022, I am focusing my efforts on recruiting and supporting the next generation of Libertarian candidates around the country through the Libertarian Policy Institute.
All across this country, there are people who are fed up with the polarized tribalism of the two old parties and are eager to vote for a candidate who is focused on peaceful solutions to the problems our community faces together. They want candidates who will reduce sales taxes that hurt the working poor, remove the barriers to creating more housing, and will declare peace in the racist war on drugs. Libertarian candidates offer those solutions, but too many races go uncontested. When an incumbent politician doesn't have a challenger, they don't have any incentive to do better.
We have chosen Arkansas as the first state to execute this plan of recruiting candidates to contest a majority of state legislative seats in a politically lopsided state that has almost half of the state house seats going unopposed. The previous record for Libertarian state house candidates in Arkansas was nine (out of 100 seats) back in 2016.
This year will be different, but we need your help. We have brought together an all-star team of Ricky Harrington, Jr. and Wes Benedict with a goal of recruiting over 100 candidates to run for office this year!
Wes recently worked in Pennsylvania on a similar candidate drive resulting in more than 150 candidates elected and he’s ready to deliver results in Arkansas, too. And of course, who can forget Ricky’s unprecedented Senate campaign in 2020? This is a partnership that has the potential to create an amazing change for the citizens of Arkansas.
We are already on our way, with thousands of letters going out to Arkansas Libertarians asking them to “Run with Ricky!” as Ricky begins his campaign for the next Governor of Arkansas. Dozens have already answered the call and are being guided through the process
of getting on the ballot.
This project has a goal of over 100 candidates and total budget of $40,000, which works out to just under $400 per candidate. A generous donor has stepped up to match the next $10,000 we raise, which will ensure we finish strong over the next few weeks until the filing deadline.
Are you able to help us with this exciting initiative and help make a HUGE impact in Arkansas? Every $400 gives us the resources to recruit one additional candidate. Every $4,000 gives us the resources to recruit 10 more candidates.
Every Libertarian candidate we recruit in Arkansas is like a golden spike into the political ground, injecting a positive message, practical solutions, and a voice for those voters who are ignored by the incumbents. Each one plants seeds for the future and helps ensure that the Libertarian Party never has to petition to get back on the ballot again.
We won't stop once the candidates are recruited. The Libertarian Policy Institute is actively working on libertarian policy and legislative solutions to give these candidates the tools they need every step of the way.
Providing quality candidates, focused on the important issues in Arkansas will make positive political changes not only in Arkansas, but nationwide. It sets a positive example of what libertarian values are all about and shows others around the country what is possible with a plan and a purpose.
Yours truly,
Nicholas Sarwark
P.S. If you have a project I can help with, please reach out. Together, we can move mountains.