On the Power of Pumpkin Pie
Bringing pumpkins, people, and a passion for fixing food problems together in a story of abundance, hope, and gratitude just in time for Thanksgiving
Earlier this week, I participated in a workshop with people from around the world at the Atlas Network Liberty Forum who were challenged to find more stories of how their work impacted people's lives.
Too many activists focus entirely on planning, funding, and executing on their program mission, but only look for the stories at the end.
Putting people first, listening to their stories, and sharing them early and often not only improves the efficacy of programs, it improves the lives of people.
Taproot fixes food problems for people in New Hampshire.
It's a good one.
People want to work together for positive benefits to the community. This is a basic fact of human nature. If you can tell stories about how we can better work together, you can make a huge difference in the world.
Find people who are not being served by the status quo. Find out what they need to live a better life. Work to provide it.
If more people followed these simple guidelines, the world would be a better place.
There are a lot of people asking me about the Libertarian Party lately.
As you know, most of my efforts have been focused on nonpartisan work to advance libertarian policy priorities, taking a break from partisan nonsense. But there is value in having a libertarian political party that can organize supporters, field candidates, and unite a large chunk of the the 49% of voters who choose not to align with any political party.
If you’re interested in helping make sure that happenes, shoot me a message and I’ll connect you with other people who share the same goals.
Yours truly,